I’m running because I want to give back to the community that has been an integral part of who I am as an individual and as an attorney.

At the core of the work I do—both inside and outside the courtroom—is my passion for serving others. I’m ready to bring my commitment to our community into our judicial system. 

Over the course of my legal career, I’ve handled civil cases and appeals covering a broad range of subject matters.  I also do pro bono work regularly and, for that reason, have experience with family law matters.  I’ve handled cases at almost every level of Texas's civil court system.  In addition, as the rules attorney for the Supreme Court of Texas and as a volunteer member of rule-related committees, I’ve helped to write the rules that I'll enforce if I am fortunate enough to be elected as a judge.

I'm ready to work hard as a judge and ensure that justice is provided fairly to all who appear before me.  I will be honored to have your support in my campaign for the 53rd District Court of Travis County.




Email KennonWootenCampaign@gmail.com

Kennon Wooten For Judge


Law Firm Biography

Political advertising paid for by the Kennon Wooten Campaign in 
compliance with the voluntary limits of the Judicial Campaign Fairness Act, Woodie Jones, Treasurer