
☑increase access to justice

Through her service as a rules attorney, a board member of the Texas Legal Services Center, and a member of the Texas Commission to Expand Civil Legal Services, Kennon has gained an understanding of the reasons why people have insufficient access to justice and ways to increase that access. As a judge, she will strive to ensure that civil justice is accessible to all people in Travis County.

Increase Awareness of Mental Health Conditions

Kennon has a B.A. in Psychology and serves on the Austin Bar Association’s Lawyer Well-Being Committee. She knows how important it is to acknowledge and address mental health conditions. She will make mental-health resources available for all parties who appear in her courtroom.

☑reduce the risk of gun violence

Kennon is committed to reducing the risk of gun violence by ensuring that people subject to family-violence protective orders surrender their guns for safe storage.

☑foster a culture of kindness

As a child involved in the court system, Kennon learned firsthand how a judge’s demeanor can impact the people who appear before her. Kennon will treat everyone in her courtroom with the kindness and dignity they deserve.

Political advertising paid for by the Kennon Wooten Campaign in 
compliance with the voluntary limits of the Judicial Campaign Fairness Act, Woodie Jones, Treasurer